Selling Concept in Marketing – Definition, History, Features, Examples, and Pros/Cons

selling concept of marketing

Definition of Selling Concept The selling concept in marketing is built on the belief that customers won’t naturally buy a company’s goods or services unless the company actively engages in extensive promotional and sales efforts. This philosophy emphasizes the need to convert customers’ latent desires into actual purchases by employing motivation and persuasion techniques. The … Read more

Product Vs. Production Concepts in Marketing: 11 Differences & Similarities

difference between product and production concept

Product Vs Production Concept Product and production concepts are two marketing philosophies that talk about the idea of producing products, selling, and generating profits. While these marketing philosophies might sometimes be used interchangeably, they hold a great difference between them. On the one hand, the product concept of marketing refers to the philosophy that believes … Read more

8 Pros and 7 Cons of Product Concept of Marketing

pros and cons of product concept

Pros and Cons of Product Concept Product concept in marketing refers to the belief that consumers opt for a product that has higher quality and performance. It argues consumers choose product quality over product price. Let’s explore some notable pros and cons of product concept of marketing. Pros of Product Concept The product concept of … Read more

8 Pros and 7 Cons of Production Concept in Marketing

pros and cons of production concept

Pros and Cons of Production Concept The production concept is the marketing philosophy that relies on the belief that people buy product that has lower yet affordable prices. As such, it emphasizes companies to focus on mass production and earn profit through production efficiency. Let’s explore some pros and cons of production concept of marketing. … Read more

Production Concept – Definition, History, Features, Examples, and Pros/Cons

production concept of marketing

Definition of Production Concept The production concept relies on the idea that customers are inclined to choose products that are easily accessible and cost-effective. Businesses under this philosophy aim to maximize profits by producing large quantities, benefiting from economies of scale. This approach originated during the Industrial Revolution to meet high demands stimulated by a … Read more

The 4 Cs of Marketing – Customer, Cost, Convenience, and Communication

The 4 Cs of marketing

If you have read about marketing strategy – I am sure you have heard about the 4 Ps of Marketing – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. But, did you hear about the 4 Cs of Marketing? If not, don’t worry, in this article I will walk you through these 4 Cs of Marketing in detail. … Read more

3 Ps of Marketing Mix: Elements, Significance, and How To Use

3 ps of marketing mix

What are 3 Ps of Marketing Mix? The 3 Ps of marketing mix include the People, Process, and Physical Evidence which are added to the original Marketing Mix i.e. 4 Ps – Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. These additional 3 Ps of the marketing mix look into the service factors of the business. Since the … Read more