Market Segmentation – Definition, Types, Features, Benefits, Steps, and Examples

market segmentation

What is Market Segmentation? Market segmentation is the process of splitting a broader market into smaller, more manageable groups based on shared characteristics. These characteristics can include age, income, interests, needs, and behavior. This division helps businesses tailor their product development, marketing, and sales strategies to specific customer segments. By understanding these segments, companies can … Read more

Industrial Products – Definition, Features, Types, Importance, and Examples

industrial products

What is an Industrial Product? An industrial product is an item primarily acquired for business or industry-related purposes, rather than direct consumer use. These products, also known as business products, relate to Business-to-Business (B2B) scenarios. They encompass various categories like machinery, raw materials, installations, and components. Unlike consumer goods, industrial products aren’t intended for everyday … Read more

A List of 50 Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Companies in India

FMCG Companies in India

FMCG Companies in India FMCG, or Fast-Moving Consumer Goods, are the everyday essentials we rely on – from toothpaste that brightens our mornings to snacks that fuel our cravings. FMCG Companies create these products, dancing to the rhythm of our lives. They’re like backstage magicians, gathering up items we often take for granted. In India, … Read more

A List of Top 50 FMCG Companies in the World

FMCG Companies in the world

List of FMCG Companies in the World FMCG stands for “Fast-Moving Consumer Goods.” It refers to everyday products that we buy frequently, like toothpaste, shampoo, or snacks. These goods have a short shelf life and are consumed quickly. FMCG companies are businesses that make, package, and sell these items to the public. Fast-moving consumer goods … Read more

Unsought Products – Definition, Features, Types, Strategy, and Examples

unsought products

What is an Unsought Product? Unsought products are those that consumers typically don’t seek out or consider purchasing under normal circumstances. These products may lack immediate benefits or could be associated with unpleasant or unfamiliar situations. Examples include life insurance, reference books, and home alarm systems. People often overlook these items due to a lack … Read more

Specialty Products – Definition, Features, Importance, Strategy, and Examples

specialty product

What is Specialty Product? A specialty product is a particular kind of consumer product known for its distinct features, premium quality, and strong brand recognition in the consumer market. These products often come with higher price tags and specifically target well-off customers. People buying specialty items don’t mind paying extra for their exceptional qualities. When … Read more