What is Packaging? Definition, Functions, Factors, Importance, Strategies, and Examples


What is Packaging? Packaging is the process of providing a protective covering to a product through containers or wrappers. Its primary role is to safeguard products during handling, storage, and transportation. Additionally, packaging serves as a means to convey crucial information like brand names, usage instructions, and expiration dates. Think of it as the “dress” … Read more

What is Decline Stage? Definition, Features, Strategies, and Examples

decline stage

What is the Decline Stage in PLC? The decline stage in the product life cycle (PLC) is like the final chapter in a product’s story. At this point, sales drop significantly due to various reasons such as new technology, changing customer preferences, or strong competition. It’s the twilight phase where the product’s once-glorious journey starts … Read more

What is Maturity Stage? Definition, Features, Strategies, and Examples

maturity stage product life cycle

What is Maturity Stage in PLC? The maturity stage is the third phase of a product’s life cycle (PLC). At this point, the product experiences its peak sales, profits, and competition. It’s marked by fierce competition in the market as numerous companies offer similar products. Businesses often expand their product lines to cater to various … Read more

What is Growth Stage? Definition, Features, and Strategies

growth stage

What is the Growth Stage in PLC? The growth stage in the product life cycle (PLC) marks a time of rapid expansion for a product. At this stage, more people learn about the product, leading to increased sales and profits. Customers’ choices become diverse, prompting companies to expand their product varieties. With growing demand, competition … Read more