What is a Product Line? Definition, Strategy, Benefits, and Examples

What is Product Line?

A product line is a collection of related products marketed under a single brand by a company. These products share similarities in functionality, target audience, distribution channels, and often price range. Product lines allow businesses to offer a range of options to meet diverse customer needs while maintaining brand consistency.

Product line extensions involve adding new products to an existing line, serving the purpose of attracting new customers, expanding choices for existing ones, gaining a competitive advantage, and increasing market share. Leveraging the trust already established with the brand, product line extensions reduce risk.

For example, “Great Hair Care Products” extended its line to include a hairdryer and texturizer, capitalizing on customer trust in its economical shampoos and conditioners. “Wise Tech Company” introduces new smart products regularly, enhancing its market share and customer satisfaction.

In essence, a product line is a strategic approach for companies to offer a variety of related products under a unified brand.

Product Line Decisions (Types)

The following are the five product line decisions also known as product lining strategies:

Product Line Analysis

Product line analysis involves a critical evaluation of a company’s existing product offerings. It assesses their performance in terms of sales, profitability, and market positioning. The primary objectives are to determine which products contribute positively to the company’s goals and which might need adjustment or removal. This analysis guides product managers and marketers in making informed decisions about their product lines.

Product Line Length

Product line length refers to the number of products within a specific product line. It is a strategic decision influenced by a company’s goals. As companies grow, they often expand their product lines. A longer product line can provide more choices to customers, potentially increasing market share. However, maintaining an optimal balance is crucial, as excessive product variations can lead to complexity and inefficiency.

Line Modernization Decision

In the context of a product line, modernization involves upgrading or improving existing products to meet evolving market demands. This decision is crucial for staying competitive and relevant. By incorporating modern technology or features, companies can enhance the appeal of their products and maintain customer interest. It also helps to eliminate outdated or less effective items within the line.

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Line Featuring Decision

Line featuring is the practice of highlighting specific products within a product line. Companies select certain products to promote as “flagship” items. These featured products are often strategically chosen to boost overall sales and enhance the brand’s reputation. By focusing on select products, companies can attract more attention from customers and create a positive perception of their entire product line.

Line Pruning Decision

Line pruning involves removing products from the existing product line that may no longer be profitable or align with the company’s goals. This decision is necessary when certain items become uncompetitive or less effective. By eliminating these underperforming products, companies can streamline their offerings, reduce costs, and maintain the overall health of the product line.

Benefits of Product Line

Product lining offers various benefits to businesses, here are six to mention:

Diversified Customer Choice

Product lines provide a range of interrelated products that cater to the diverse preferences and needs of customers. This variety allows companies to capture a broader customer base by addressing various market segments. For example, a smartphone manufacturer may offer different models with varying features to attract both budget-conscious and tech-savvy consumers.

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Strengthened Brand Fidelity

Well-managed product lines can lead to increased loyalty to a brand. When customers have a positive experience with a specific product within a line, they are more likely to trust and choose other products from the same brand. This loyalty reinforces the brand’s reputation and fosters customer trust, resulting in repeat business and enduring relationships.

Optimized Resource Utilization

Companies can efficiently allocate resources by managing a product line. Products within the same line often share components, manufacturing processes, and marketing strategies. This synergy reduces production costs, minimizes resource wastage, and streamlines marketing efforts, ultimately improving a company’s overall profitability.

Market Expansion

Product lines facilitate market expansion by allowing companies to introduce new products to meet changing consumer demands. These new offerings can attract a broader customer base and target different market segments. For instance, a cosmetics brand can extend its product line to include skincare products, thereby entering a new market segment while leveraging its existing customer base.

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Competitive Advantage

A well-structured product line can give a company a competitive edge. It allows businesses to continually innovate and adapt to market trends. By regularly introducing new products or upgrading existing ones, companies can stay ahead of competitors, attracting more customers and increasing their market share.

Simplified Marketing and Distribution

Product lines simplify marketing and distribution efforts. Since related products can often be marketed through the same channels and distribution networks, companies can streamline their logistics and promotional activities. This efficiency results in cost savings and a more cohesive marketing strategy.

Examples of Product Line

Today, most companies apply product-lining strategies to capture a diverse customer base. Here are the five examples including company names and their line of products:

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Apple Inc.

Apple’s product lines cater to technology enthusiasts, creative professionals, and everyday users, creating a broad customer base. Apple is known for its diverse product lines, which include:

  • iPhone: Apple’s iconic line of smartphones.
  • iPad: A range of tablets designed for various purposes.
  • Mac: A line of computers, including MacBook, iMac, and Mac Pro.
  • Apple Watch: Smartwatches with fitness and health tracking capabilities.
  • AirPods: Wireless earbuds and headphones.


PepsiCo’s product lines cover a spectrum of consumer preferences, from snacks to healthier beverage options. PepsiCo offers a wide array of product lines in the food and beverage industry:

  • Pepsi: The iconic carbonated soft drink.
  • Lay’s: A popular line of potato chips.
  • Gatorade: Sports and energy drinks for athletes.
  • Quaker Oats: Breakfast cereals and oat-based products.
  • Tropicana: Fruit juices and beverages.

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Unilever’s product lines touch on everyday essentials, offering choices in personal care, food, and refreshments. Unilever is a global giant with product lines spanning personal care, food, and more:

  • Dove: Personal care products, including soap and shampoo.
  • Knorr: A line of soups, sauces, and seasonings.
  • Ben & Jerry’s: Ice cream with various flavors.
  • Axe/Lynx: Men’s grooming and body care products.
  • Lipton: Teas and related products.

Nike Inc.

Nike’s product lines cater to athletes, sports enthusiasts, and those seeking comfortable, stylish activewear. Nike is a renowned sportswear company with diverse product lines, such as:

  • Shoes: Including sport-specific footwear like running, basketball, and soccer.
  • Clothing: Apparel for various sports, fitness, and lifestyle.
  • Accessories: Items like backpacks, hats, and sportswear.
  • Kids: Products tailored to children’s needs.

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General Electric (GE)

GE’s wide-ranging product lines serve sectors vital to modern life, from healthcare to clean energy and aviation. GE’s product lines span diverse industries, including:

  • Aviation: Aircraft engines and related technologies.
  • Healthcare: Medical imaging and healthcare systems.
  • Renewable Energy: Wind turbines and green energy solutions.
  • Appliances: Home appliances like refrigerators and ovens.
  • Power: Energy generation and grid solutions.

Product Line Vs. Product Mix

A product line is a group of related products under a single brand, while a product mix represents all the products or product lines offered by a company. Product lines are subsets within the broader product mix. For instance, Apple’s product mix includes the iPhone, iPad, Mac, and more, with each of these being a distinct product line. Understanding the distinction helps companies strategically manage their offerings and marketing strategies.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the purpose of a product line?

A product line allows companies to offer a range of related products under a single brand, catering to diverse customer needs while maintaining brand consistency. It helps in capturing a broader customer base and optimizing resource utilization.

How can product line extensions benefit a business?

Product line extensions involve adding new products to an existing line, which can attract new customers, offer more choices to existing ones, gain a competitive advantage, and increase market share. Leveraging existing brand trust reduces the associated risks.

What is the significance of product line analysis?

Product line analysis involves evaluating the performance of products within a line. It helps in identifying which products contribute positively to a company’s goals and which may need adjustment or removal. This analysis guides informed decisions about product lines.

How does a longer product line impact a company’s offerings?

A longer product line can provide more choices to customers, potentially increasing market share. However, maintaining an optimal balance is crucial, as excessive product variations can lead to complexity and inefficiency.

What is Product Lining?

Product lining is a strategic approach where a company offers a collection of related products under a single brand. These products share similarities in functionality, target audience, distribution channels, and price range, allowing businesses to meet diverse customer needs while maintaining brand consistency.

What is Product Line Extension?

Product line extension is the practice of adding new products to an existing product line under the same brand. It serves to attract new customers, offer more choices to existing ones, gain a competitive edge, and expand market share. Leveraging brand trust, minimizes the risk associated with launching entirely new product lines.

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