Shopping Products: Definition, Features, Types, Strategy, and Examples

shopping product

What is a Shopping Product? A shopping product is something consumers buy less often and carefully compare before deciding. It’s not an everyday purchase, but when bought, factors like cost, quality, and style matter. These products need time and planning before purchase. Unlike common convenience items, shopping products are found in specific places. Think of … Read more

What is Convenience Product? Definition, Features, Types, Importance, and Examples

convenience product

What is a Convenience Product? A convenience product is something you buy often, without thinking much, and without comparing it to other options. Imagine grabbing a snack or a drink while you’re at the store checkout – that’s a convenience product. Convenience products also called convenience goods, these items usually have low prices, and companies … Read more

What is a Consumer Product? Definition, Features, Types, Importance, and Examples

consumer product

What is Consumer Product? Consumer products, also known as consumer goods, are items acquired by individuals or households for personal use, fulfilling their everyday needs and desires. These products, often termed final goods, mark the outcome of production and are intended for direct consumption rather than resale. They encompass diverse items like clothing, food, and … Read more

4 Concepts of Product: Physical, Extended, Service, and Total

4 concepts of product

4 Concepts of Product A product is something that we consume to fulfill our needs. It is something that has the ability to satisfy our needs and which is made through some process. The product is conceptualized in four ways. Let’s explore these four concepts of product – tangible, extended, service, and total product concept. … Read more

3 Levels of Product in Marketing: Core, Actual, and Augmented Products

3 levels of product

The 3 Levels of Product We often consider the product as the physical thing that we buy or hold. But, the product forms three levels – core, actual, and augmented products. In marketing, the product is studied under three levels. Let’s understand these three levels of product and better understand what makes the product. Core … Read more

Kotler’s 5 Levels of Product Model [Meaning and Examples]

5 levels of product

What are Five Levels of Product? The “Five Levels of Product” also called the “Five Levels Product Model” is a concept put forth by marketing experts Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller. This idea was introduced in their book titled “Marketing Management,” which was published in 2003. This model is also known as Kotler’s 5 … Read more

What is Potential Product? Definition, Features, Benefits, Examples, and Strategy

Potential Product

What is Potential Product? The potential product, situated as the fifth level within the product marketing framework, encompasses all the prospective modernizations and transformations that a product could potentially undergo in the future. It serves as a forward-looking concept that includes all the possible improvements and enhancements a product might experience. This idea is crucial … Read more